Birthday Celebrations x4

I can not believe the weekend has already flown by.  Blah!!  I can’t complain too much, though – it was a fun and productive few days.

On Friday, my sweet cousin, Tracy Strawberry trekked out to Leesburg to spend part of the weekend with Chris and me.  We relaxed, cooked dinner and played monopoly til it was time to go to bed.  :)  Now that’s what I call a Friday night!

On Saturday, Tracy and I had a girls day.  We got our hair done, went shopping and just had some great fun together.  Saturday evening, we headed down to Crystal City for a little birthday celebration for me, my dad, Linds and Kev.  I love when birthday celebrations just keep going.  :)

Apparently the silliness was contagious.  It must run in the family.  :)

Dinner was fun, but I will say that when we left, I hadn’t successfully transformed Chris into a tapas fan.  I really wanted him to love it, but it’s just not his thing which is totally fine.  A for effort, right?!

I got some pretty rad stuff for my bday from Linds and Chris’ parents.  So exciting.  Birchbox, luxury nailpolish, Britto art!  So fun!

We were productive today – menu planning, tons of laundry (the bane of my existence, seriously, how two people can produce so much effing laundry is beyond me), grocery shopping and a little bit of relaxation tossed in as well.  We made some really delicious jambalaya for dinner tonight and I was psyched that we had a ton of leftovers because I think it will be even more delish reheated when the spices have had even more time to soak into the meal.  Yum, yum.

I can’t believe the weekend is over.  Sad.

32 Feels Good

It’s my birthday, and I have to say that it’s been pretty great.  No complaints over here, even if I did turn 32.  :)

My day was pretty quiet at work and nobody knew it was my birthday until Chris sent me beautiful flowers.  He did a great job and they smelled yummy as well as look beautiful.  Shortly after the flowers arrived, I had lunch with my mom which was a nice break from the day.

I was originally going to cook dinner tonight, but Chris really insisted that he take me to dinner which was great.  A new place called Firebirds opened up near the house recently, so we went there, and it was amazing.  I had the filet with scalloped potatoes and it was incredible.  So worth it for a birthday dinner.

When we got home, Chris gave me a few gifts which he completely knocked out of the park.  I’ve totally fallen in love with this nail polish my sister in law introduced me to called Butter London, so he got me three different colors of that, and I’m smitten!

He also got me a subscription to US Weekly since I love me some trashy tabloids, and to go along with my obsession with  big wave surfing, he bought me this amazing new book called The Big Juice, which is all about, you guessed it, big wave surfing!  He got me the paperback so that I can see the amazing pictures as opposed to downloading it on my kindle.  I can’t wait to start reading!

We ended the night with cupcakes and some reruns of Friends, and now it’s time for bed!

Happy birthday to meeeeeeeeee!

Birthday Came Early

I turn 31 tomorrow, but the gifts came early.  Whoo hoo, I love early gifts!!

I have a doctors appointment first thing in the morning on my actual birthday, and we’re meeting for dinner with both of our families right after work, so we would have had to get up extra early to do gifts, or wait until 8 o’clock after dinner and cake (I hate opening gifts at restaurants), so an evening early it was!

Chris was very excited to give me my gifts which made me really nervous.  He was so cute and made me sit patiently on the couch as he brought everything in and prepped to give me stuff.

Gift number one was a big bag of goodies from Lush Cosmetics.  I LOVE Lush, and I was super excited that Chris found it without my saying a single word.  He knows how much I love bubble baths, and our new townhouse has a giant garden tub in it, so the timing was perfect.  He did such a great job picking out the perfect scents, too and I was really excited.  I love when he can pick out stuff for me that’s absolutely perfect without any hints at all!

Sakura "Cherry Blossom" Bath Bomb.

Gingerbread Bubble Soap.

Beside the Seaside Gift Box filled with more bath bombs, more bubble soaps and shampoo.

After my love affair with the Lush bag, he made me sit back down on the couch for my “big” gift, which I was clueless about.  He did not disappoint when he pulled a Tiffany blue bag out from behind his back.  What girl doesn’t love Tiffany?

Unopened box.

Tiffany Bead Earrings. Love!

So happy!  Great gifts, but more importantly, I feel incredibly loved.  Yay!

Chris’ Birthday and a Surprise Party!

Last Thursday was Chris’ birthday,and there were two reasons I wanted to make it extra special.  1)  It was the first time that we were sharing his birthday as an actual couple (I’ve known him for 14 years and have wished him many happy birthdays, but this is different) and 2) He didn’t do a big celebration for his 30th.   Oh, and I just thought of another reason I wanted it to be special:  I love him tons…that’s why.

Since his actual birthday fell on a weeknight, we met both of our parents out in Fairfax at Guapos for some delicious tex mex.  He opened his gifts and got some great stuff.  He was super shocked that I got him tickets to the Redskins/Eagles Monday Night Football game in November, so I was thrilled that I was able to surprise him with something I knew he’d love so much.  After dinner, the servers gathered around with a guitar and sang the longest birthday song ever, which Chris happily danced to the entire time.


On the way to dinner - putting up the 3-1!



Surprised with Redskins/Eagles tickets!



Dancing it up to the birthday song.



Birthday dinner picture.


After dinner, Chris thought his birthday celebration was over because he got some really great gifts, we had an excellent meal, laughed and thorougly enjoyed the night.  However, I had other plans…

For six weeks, I had been planning a surprise party for Chris.  I knew I wanted to do something a little over the top, so I had to get creative.  I finally decided to throw a surprise party at Lucky Strike lanes downtown and invited a bunch of his friends and family.  I’ve never thrown a surprise party, and I have to admit that it was challenging to keep it a secret.  I almost spilled it at least a dozen times, but luckily by the time Sunday rolled around, he really was surprised.

I told him that I wanted to do something “just us” since we had celebrated with our families on Thursday.  He gave me a really hard time getting out of the house on Sunday…asking me a million questions about where we were going, saying he didnt want to go (he got a cold on Friday and wasn’t feeling so great), and that he just wanted to stay home to watch football.  After a firm tone more than once, I successfully got him out of the house and we headed downtown.

I have to say, he was entertaining as we made our way into the city.  Every place we passed, he assumed we were going to.  “Are we going to Bar Louie?”  “Are we going to Hard Times?”  “Are we going to Matchbox?”  “Where are we going?!?!”  He didn’t actually know where we were going until we got on the escalator to go upstairs to Lucky Strike, but even then, he had no idea there were people waiting.

So we walk in, and to the right is the lounge/restaurant and to the left are the bowling lanes.  I knew everyoen was waiting at the lanes, but Chris was starving and immediately headed toward the restaurant.  I said to him “come over here, I want to see what the bowling looks like,” to which he replied “What are you doing??  This isnt’ the right way…gawd, I’m starving!”  I just kept walking, and when we came around the corner, he started seeing faces he recognized and then it all clicked.  It was a great surprise and I’m so thankful to everyone who came out.  I know Chris is grateful too and felt very loved and had a fantastic birthday.

Birthday boy just a few minutes after getting to the party. He has no idea what’s happening,


Birthday cake!



Chris and his sister, Lindsay, opening gifts.



Big Chris, Chris and Rich.



Party favors!



Chris bowling. Nice form.



Chris, Barbie and Elmer.



People socializing.



Chris eating cake...of his own face. So awesome.



Chris and his mom.



Chris and Adrian.



Post bowling beer tower at Grand Slam sports bar.



Happy Birthday, baby!