FMM – Getting Personal

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

:: A Little More Personal::

1. Are you a morning person?  Actually, I am.  Never in my life did I think I’d become a morning person.  Growing up, I could sleep til noon everyday, but it’s rare for me to sleep past 8:00am/8:30am.

2. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?  I’m totally an introvert.  I need me time.  I need to read and decompress and I thrive on that as opposed to feeding off of other people’s energy.  I like being social, don’t get me wrong, but I’m a classic introvert.  :)

3. Are you addicted to anything? If so, what?    I think I’m probably addicted to caffeine because I fear if I were to skip it, I’d have a headache.  Lame.  Other addiction?  Pinterest!

4. How many times have you been in love?  Twice?  I give it a question mark because the first go around was a mess, and after being in love with my husband, I just don’t see how the first time was every truly love.

5. What is your position on politics?  I definitely lean to the left, but I’m no bleeding heart.

6. Are you religious?  Not really.  I think there’s a higher power, and I have spiritual moments, but I’m not particularly religious.

7. Would you prefer backpacking or a luxury hotel?   Hands down, a luxury hotel.  I’m so ridiculously not a backpacking kinda gal.

8. Do you have/want pets?  Chocolate lab, Hunter, and tabby cat, Delilah.  BFF.

9. Are you a sports fan?  Yes!  Huge hockey fan!  Baseball!  Football!  Olympics!!

10. How often do you brush your teeth?  At least twice a day.

11. Do you have tattoos and/or piercings?  Just my ears, and three tattoos.

12. What’s your favorite clothing brand?   I thoroughly enjoy Old Navy and Gap.

13. Should a man open doors for a woman?   Yeah, but I don’t get all bent out of shape if it doesn’t happen.  And I don’t necessarily think a man should do anything, but I do think it’s a nice gesture.

14. Which season is your favorite?  Fall!  I love the change of seasons and being on the verge of the holidays.

15. Would you rather eat less or workout more?  Eat less.

16. What’s your idea of romance?    Surprise flowers, unexpected cards/love notes and just general appreciation.  I mean, I like to get dressed up for a hot date just like the next girl, but I’m pretty low key when it comes to my romance expectations.

17. How often do you do things that are outside of your comfort zone?   Errrr.  Probably not as much as I should.  Going back to that whole introvert thing, I find myself getting all anxious and stressed out in foreign situations, but this is something I could definitely work on.

18. Christmas or Halloween?  Christmas!!  Thanksgiving!!  My most favorite time of year!

19. Would you rather live in the country or the city?    Honestly, I’m becoming more and more country.  If my husband could have his way, we’d live another 20 miles outside of the city on three acres, but I think that’s a little too country.  We’re both just so over the hustle and bustle of the city, and thoroughly enjoy sprawling land and suburban houses.

20. Share your life philosophy.  Accept the good.  It’s so, so, so, easy to get wrapped up in the negative and sometimes, we just need to remember to accept the good.

Psssst, I have a giveaway ending today — go here to enter before it’s too late!

Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions! Don’t forget to go back to Kenlie’s blog and link up in the comments!  Happy Monday, Friends!

Olympics Entertainment & a Giveaway!

Did you guys have a good weekend?  We spent ours cleaning, doing laundry, grocery shopping and watching the Olympics.  I’m trying to be as ready as possible for Chris’ knee surgery on Wednesday, and am feeling pretty good about where we stand now that all of the house cleaning and errands are finished!

Watching the Olympics this weekend has been so entertaining.  I’ve found the most entertainment in fencing and water polo, surprisingly.  I still enjoy the obvious marquee events like gymnastics and swimming, but the more underrated sports have been just as exciting, if not more exciting!  The fencers crack me up with their enthusiasm every single point.

Image via Zimbio

With all of this sports watching, I’m anxious to start working out again.  I’ll admit that it’s been hard to keep up with working out when my partner has been injured.  I know that’s a horrid excuse, I just lost all motivation when Chris got his bum knee.  One of the things I’d like to do most in the coming months, is yoga.  I’m on the prowl for a good yoga deal via groupon or living social.  Let me know if you guys know of good locations in the Raleigh area!

I recently downloaded a new app called SlimKicker to help get me more motivated.  Have you guys heard of this?  It’s so neat and dare I say, FUN!

SlimKicker is a calorie counter AND game (kind of like Livestrong) that turns your fitness and food goals into a game with points and rewards!  How cool is that?  You collect points by tracking your healthy calories and food and then finishing personal challenges, like quitting pizza for a specific amount of time.  You can even upload a photo of your personal reward (a movie you want to see, a cheat food, a tasty beer, an iPad, whatever you want!), and they’ll remind you to give yourself the reward when you reach a specific amount of points!  Bonus?  They have a calorie count database of foods, too!  I love interactive tools like this  Eating right and working out is a challenge in itself, so I think it’s a great  idea  to put some fun and prizes into the mix.

Speaking of prizesSlimKicker would love to reward one of YOU with a handy-dandy heart rate and calorie monitor!

How to win:

Leave a comment (comment bubble is up near the top of this post) with your suggestion of a fun, creative fitness or diet challenge!  Try to make it 1-2 sentences!  On Monday, August 6th, the kind folks at SlimKicker will pick their favorite comment to determine the winner.  U.S. Residents only.

Good Luck!!