
So I know I’m really late on the uptake over here, but tonight, Chris and I watched the documentary, “Freakonomics.”  Five minutes into the movie, I was riveted.  I think working for an analytical software company has opened me up to thinking more and more about data, but the way they put things together was truly fascinating.

The movie is based on the book that came out in 2004, and the movie came out a number of years ago, though I only recently heard about it (the movie, not the book).  Contrary to what you might believe, I do not live under a rock.  Also, I never actually read the book, even though it was totally on my “to read” list eight years ago.

Anyway, if you’re into fascinating shit, then I definitely think you should watch this movie.  It really gives you an interesting perspective, and Chris and I found ourselves pausing it throughout, and discussing our own hypothetical situations based on the scenarios that were presented.  Now I definitely want to read the book.

Just Your Random Thursday

We did our Wednesday workout last night and it was a new one.  This one involved a ten minute warmup (5 min elliptical + 5 min on treadmill at 8% incline, 2.9mph) and weight machines.  Chris had requested a more “manly workout” and it was delivered. 

We spent almost an hour doing weights and it was good.  I think Chris definitely felt more “manly” (whatever that means), so that is a win.  I’m a little sore today, so that’s a win, too!

Post workout, we went home and made dinner together.  Chris grilled some chicken while I broke out some multigrain wraps so we could make quesadillas!  I love flat-out wraps, and they really did a great job acting as a tortilla!

We paired the dillas with fresh salsa and some leftover spanish rice with chunks of tomato in it, and it was delish.

This also happened yesterday:

Thirsty cat!

Annnnnnnnnd, this happened about 14 years ago!


Nice form, Chris!

Tonight, we’re heading out to the wedding venue for our planning meeting and I’m really excited.  We get to do the fun stuff like go over table setup, flow of the ceremony + reception, pick out our linens and all of those little details.  I’m getting really sick of trekking two hours each way to get things done, but it will all be worth it come October.

Happy Thursday!