
Remember the other day when I was all, OMG, I have the best outfit ever planned for Memorial Day?  Yeah, cue the Debbie Downer trombone, cause that didn’t happen.

We found the dress and it just wasn’t right.  It was a little too revealing in all of the wrong places, and it just wasn’t what I wanted it to be, so whatever.  I was going to wear my black and red backup dress, but someone had to get all fancy and buy a blue and pink checkered shirt with an amazingly beautiful pink tie.  You tell me how that matches red and black.

Imagine the above with a beautiful navy suit.  Yeah, the red and black dress is being thrown back into the suitcase.

So, I found a ridiculously pink dress and created this little ensemble:

I’m not 100% sold on this outfit, yet.  The pink is just….really pink, and while I like it, I’m a little nervous it screams “LOOK AT ME!  OVER HERE, IN THE PINK!  HERE I AM!!”  I’m hoping when I put it on with the little black cardigan and the cute wedges that it will break up some of the color and ease my mind a little bit.

I got a backup dress, too.  I can’t find a picture of it anywhere, but it’s cute and it’s black and white, so it’s a smidge more subtle.  I’m undecided at this point and am pretty sure I won’t make a decision until Monday morning when it’s time to leave.

What would you do?  Would you brave the color in honor of Spring, or go for a more subdued look with a classic black and white?

Honeymoon Style

I’m getting excited for the day after the wedding when we peace out to Curacao for a week!  I’m so excited I’m already planning my outfits!  :)

Dinner date.

Daytime casual.

About town.

Beach casual.

Day or night.

Do you notice a theme with those sunglasses?  Can’t go anywhere without them!